Media Plant

Planting media is a key component when it will grow crops. Planting media to be used must be adjusted to the type of plants you want to be planted. Determining the appropriate planting medium and standard for different types of plants native habitat is difficult. This is because each region has a humidity and wind speed are different. In general, the planting medium must be able to keep moisture around the root area, providing enough air, and can withstand the availability of nutrients.

Type of planting medium used in each region is not always the same. In Southeast Asia, for example, since 1940 using the planting medium of broken bricks, charcoal, coconut fiber, coconut bark, or stems of ferns. These materials are also not only used a single, but the materials can be combined with each other.
For example, ferns, and charcoal mixed with a certain ratio to a new planting medium. Ferns can also be mixed with broken bricks.

To get a good planting medium and according to the type of plants will be planted, a hobbyists must have an understanding of the characteristics of the planting media which may vary from each type. 8erdasarkan of constituent materials, planting media can be divided into organic and inorganic materials.

A. Organic Materials

Planting media included in the general category of organic materials derived from living organisms components, such as parts of plants such as leaves, stems, flowers, fruit, or bark. The use of organic materials as planting media is far superior compared with inorganic materials. That's because organic material is able to provide the nutrient elements for plants. In addition, organic materials also have pores macro and micro are nearly balanced so that air circulation is produced quite well and has a water absorption is high.

Organic material will undergo a process of decay or decomposition by microorganisms. Through this process, will produce carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and minerals. The resulting mineral nutrient sources that can be absorbed by plants as nutrients. However, the decomposition process is too fast can lead to the emergence of seedling disease. To avoid this, the planting medium must be frequently replaced. Therefore, the addition of nutrients should be still given prior to planting the media materials decompose.

Several types of organic materials that can be used as planting media including charcoal, chopped fern, compost, moss, coconut coir, manure, and humus.

1. Charcoal

Charcoal can be derived from wood or coconut shell. Media coeok plant is used for orchid plants in areas with high humidity. This is because charcoal is less able to bind water in) umlah much. The uniqueness of the media type of charcoal is its buffer (buffer). Thus, if there is some mistake in the provision of nutrients contained in manure can be neutralized and adapted.

In addition, these media materials are also not easily decayed so difficult eendawan grown mushrooms or plants that can be harmful. However, charcoal media will tend to nutrient poor. Therefore, in this planting medium should be supplied in the form of nutrient fertilization application.

Before used as planting media, ideally dipeeah charcoal into a small pieces in advance so as to facilitate the placement of the pot. Size fraction of this coal is very dependent on the container used for planting and plant species will be planted. To fill the container with a diameter of 15 em or more, commonly used charcoal-sized fraction 3 em long, 2-3 em wide, with a thickness of 2-3 em. For container (pot) is more a small, charcoal fraction size should also be smaller.

2. Trunk Pakis
Based on the color, fern stems are divided into 2, the fern bars of black and brown fern stems. Of the two types, the black fern stems more commonly used as a planting medium. Black fern stems from the fern plant is old and is more dry. In addition, this fern stems were easily formed into small pieces and chopped known as ferns.

In addition in the form of chopped, stems of ferns are also many plants sold as ready to use media in the form of rectangular plates. Generally, the form of tablets used as a medium fern growing orchids. The weakness of this fern stem plate is often inhabited by ants or kecillainnya animals.

Characteristics of the benefits of media fern stems largely because their properties are easy to bind water, have aeration and good drainage, and soft texture that easily penetrated by plant roots.

3. Compost
Compost is an organic planting medium essentially material derived from plants or fermentation of organic waste, such as straw, husks, leaves, grass, and trash the city. The advantages of using compost as a planting medium is that it can restore soil fertility by improving soil properties, both physical, chemical, or biological. In addition, compost is also a facilitator in the absorption of the element nitrogen (n) which is needed by plants.

Content of organic materials high in the compost is essential to improve soil conditions. Based on the known 2 role of soil compost and soil conditioner ameliorator. Soil (ondotioner namely the role of compost in improving soil structure, especially the dry soil, while working in ameliorator soil Il1emperbaiki cation exchange capacity in soil.

A good compost for use as a planting medium that has experienced weathering Ydng completely, indicated by I IL, changes in the color of its constituent materials (black-brown), odorless, has a low water content, and have room temperature.

4. Moss
Moss is used as the media comes from the roots planted ferns, or a lot kadaka found in the forests. Moss is often used as a planting medium to the seeding until flowering period. This media has a lot of cavities, allowing plant roots to grow and develop freely.

According to their nature, capable of binding media moss well water and have drainage and aeration systems that smoothly. For optimum crop yields, moss should be combined with other organic planting media, such as bark, peat soil, or dry leaves.

S. Manure
Organic fertilizer derived from animal waste referred to as manure. Ingredients haranya complete elements such as sodium (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) to make manure suitable for planting media. These elements essential for plant growth and development. In addition, manure contain microorganisms that are believed to be able to overhaul the organic materials that are difficult to digest a component of the plant that is easier to be absorbed by plants.

The composition of the nutrient content of manure is influenced by several factors including animal type, animal age, state of the animal, type of food, paving the use, treatment, and storage before it is applied as a planting medium.

Manure will be used as a planting medium must be mature and sterile. This was indicated by the color black fertilizer. Selection manure ripe aims to prevent the emergence of bacteria or fungi that can damage the plants.

6. Coconut coir (coco peat)
Coconut or coco coir peat is an alternative organic materials that can be used as a planting medium. Coconut coir media for planting, I 'iJdiknya comes from old coconuts because it has a strong fiber.

The use of coconut fiber as a medium for planting should be done in areas bercurah low rainfall. Excessive rain can cause the media is easily decayed plant. In addition, the plant became fast decay so that it can be a source of disease. To overcome the decay, coconut fiber should first be soaked in a solution of fungicide. When compared with other media, providing media fungicides on coconut fiber should be more frequent because
Rapid sifatya so easily grown rotten mushrooms.

Excess coconut coir as a medium for planting more because of characteristics that could bind and store water in
strong, suitable for hot areas, and contains elements essential nutrients, like calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), sodium (N) and phosphorus (P).

7. Rice husk
Rice husk is the husks of rice (Oryza sativa) that was ground. Rice husk can be used by the husk or husks of crude petroleum (not burnt). Husk husks of crude petroleum and has the same porosity level. As planting media, both play an important role in improving soil structure so that the aeration and drainage systems in the planting media for the better.

The use of husk fuel for planting media need not be sterilized because of microbial pathogens have died during the combustion process. In addition, the husks burn also contain carbon (C) high, making this planting medium becomes loose, however, are prone to burning husk rotting.

While the excess crude husk as the planting medium that is easy to bind water, to avoid getting rotten, is a source of potassium (K) plants needed, and not easy to agglomerate or a solid so that plant roots can grow to perfection. However, the raw rice husks tend to be nutrient poor.

8. Humus
Humus is the result of weathering all manner of organic material by micro body and a micro-energy sources such bodies. Organic Bahanbahan It could be a real network of bodies dead plants or animals that have not decayed. Usually, dark humus and ciijumpai especially in the upper layer of soil (top soil)

Humus is very helpful in the process of land penggemburan. and have the ability to power a high ion exchange so that it can
nutrient stores. Therefore, to support the fertility of the soil, however, the media is easily grown plant fungi, especially when tl'rjadi changes in temperature, humidity, and aeration is extreme. Humus porousitas also has a low level so that plant roots can not absorb water, thus, we recommend the use of topsoil as a planting medium should be added other media that have high porousitas, such as soil and sand.

B. Inorganic Materials

Inorganic material is a material with high content of mineral elements derived from the parent rock weathering processes in the earth. Weathering process is due o / er a variety of things, namely physical weathering, biological, mechanical, and chemical.
Based on the shapes and sizes, from mineral weathering parent rock can be classified into 4 forms, the pebbles or the rocks (larger than 2 mm), sand (size 50 / -1 - 2 mm), dust (size 2-50u ), and clay (less than 2ju size. Furthermore, inorganic materials can also be derived from synthetic materials or chemicals made in factories. Some inorganic media which often serve as a planting medium is a gel, sand, gravel, broken bricks , sponges, clay, vermiculite, and pearlite.

1. Gel

Gels or hydrogels are polymer crystals that are often used as a planting medium for hydroponics plants. The use of this type of media is very practical and efficient because it does not bother to replace with a new, flush, or nurture. In addition, planting media also has the color diversity so that the election can be adjusted to taste and color of plants. Therefore, it would create beauty and ornamental plants keasrian placed in the living room or den.

Almost all types of indoor plants can be grown in this medium, such as philodendron and anthurium. However, the gel is not eaeak for hard rooted plants, such as adenium or bonsai plants. It was not due to inability of gel in water supply, but more due to the growth of plant roots are hardened so that it can make a broken vase. Most nurseries would prefer a gel instead of soil to plant in the transportation distance. Aim to maintain plant moisture.

Another advantage of the gel is still beautiful even though coupled with other media. In Japan, the gel is used as a component terrarium with sand. Gel colorful can give the impression of life in the miniature garden.

2. Sand

Sand is often used as an alternative planting medium to replace the function of the soil. So far, the sand is considered sufficient and appropriate when used as a medium for seeding seed, seed growth, and rooting stem cuttings of plants. Quick-drying nature will facilitate the appointment process plant seeds that are considered old enough to be transferred to other media. While the weight heavy enough sand will facilitate the establishment of stem cuttings. In addition, the benefits of planting medium sand is the ease in use and can improve aeration and drainage system of planting media. Poor sand and building sand is a type of sand that is often used as a planting medium.

Therefore have pores large (macro pores) it becomes easy to wet sand and dry quickly by evaporation process. Cohesion and consistency (resistance to the process: o:: separation) is very small sand so easily eroded by water or ~ 'lgin. Thus, the media need more sand and water:: emupukan more intensive. This causes the sand as a medium rarely used in a single plant.

Use sand seoagai planting media mix is often combined with other inorganic materials, such as gravel, rocks, or organic materials tailored to the type of plant.

Sand or all sand beach that comes from the
High bersersalinitas a type of sand that must be avoided to: use as a planting medium, although it had been washed sand: erlebih first. High salinity in the medium can be planting, plant enyebabkan be miserable. In addition, plant organs, such as roots and leaves, also showed symptoms of the next burn tissue death (necrosis).

3. Gravel

Basically, the use of gravel as the planting medium is: different idakjauh sand. Only gravel has macro pores more than the sand. Gravel is often used as a medium for the cultivation of plants in hydroponics. The use of this medium will help the circulation of nutrient solution and air, and in principle does not suppress root growth. However, the gravel has a water binding capacity is relatively low, so easy wet and dry quickly if watering is not done routinely.

As technology advances, current synthetic gravel encountered. Synthesis gravel properties tend to resemble pumice, which has air cavities that have a lighter weight. Excess gravel gravel synthesis compared to normal is a pretty good ability to absorb water. In addition, the resulting drainage system is also good that retains moisture and air circulation within the planting medium.

4. Broken bricks

Broken bricks can also be used as a media alternative planting. Like other inorganic materials, media types also serves to attach the root. Instead, the size of bricks that will be used as the media made a small plant, such as gravel, with a size of about 2-3 em. The more a small size, the absorption capacity of brick to water and nutrients will increasingly balk. In addition, the growing size will also make a small air circulation and humidity around the plant roots better place.

It is worth noting the growing use of media
This is a nutrient-poor condition. In addition, the cleanliness and sterility broken bricks that is not necessarily guaranteed. Therefore, the use of these media need to be added to the composition of manure haranya tailored to the needs of plants.

Although nutrient poor, broken bricks the media is not easy to mold. Thus, broken bricks suitable for use as a planting medium in the bottom of the pot because it has a drainage capacity and good aeration. Plants are often used broken bricks as the basic medium is potted orchids.

5. Sponges (floralfoam)

The hobbyists who engaged in the cultivation of ornamental plants are often use as a media spans inorganic plant. Viewed from nature, spans very light and easily transported and placed anywhere. Although lightweight, this type of media does not require weights because after soaked or drenched with water will be heavy by itself so it can enforce the plant.

Another advantage of the planting media is the high spans absorption
of water and essential nutrients that are usually given in the form of solution. However, its use did not last long because the material is easily destroyed. Therefore, if the spans are seen as being suitable to be used (easily destroyed when held), should be replaced with new ones. Based on the strengths and weaknesses, spans are often used as a planting medium for ornamental plants cut flowers (flower cutting) which tends to use it only temporarily.

6. Clay

A clay soil type most finely textured, sticky or muddy. Characteristics of clay is to have a small-sized poripori (micro pore) which is more than the pores are large (macro pores) that has water binding capacity strong enough. Micro pores are fine pores that contain water or air capillaries. While the macro pores are coarse pores that contain air or gravity water easily lost. Space of each pore size is very small micro causing water or air circulation becomes sluggish.

Basically, clay is poor nutrients that it needs to be combined with other materials which are rich in nutrients. The use of clay combined with other materials such as sand and humus is suitable be used as seeding medium, eangkok, and bonsai.

7. Vermiculite and pearlite

Vermiculite is sterile inorganic medium resulting from
pemananasan pieces of mica and contains potassium and H ', not yet. By their nature, vermiculite is a growing medium that has the ability of cation exchange capacity is high, especially in the solid state and at the wet. Vermiculite can lower density, and increase water absorption when used as a media mix plants. If used as a mixture of planting medium,

vermiculite to reduce weight and increase the power of water absorption so that it can easily be absorbed by plant roots.

In contrast to the vermiculite, pearlite is a lightweight mineral products and has a cation exchange capacity and water absorption is low. As a mixture of planting media, the same function with vermiculite pearlite, ie, lower density and increase water absorption.

The use of vermiculite and pearlite in the planting medium should be combined with organic materials to optimize the plant in absorbing nutrient elements.

8. Cork (Styrofoam)

Styrofoam is an inorganic material made from copolymers
styren which can be used as an alternative planting medium. Initially, styrofoam is used only as a medium for acclimatization (the adjustment) for plants grown on land before. Acclimatization process is only temporary. Styrofoam is used jengan cube sizes (1 x 1 x 1) cm.

Now, some nurseries use styrofoam as a mixture of planting media to improve the planting porousitas media. Jntuk this purpose, styrofoam is used in a form that has been destroyed so that the small balls, about the size of soybean seeds. Additions styrofoam into the planting medium made
mennjadi light. However, the planting medium is often used as nests by the ants.
